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More Than Just a Flavor Company: Custom Flavors Gives Back to Its Community

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At Custom Flavors, we recognize the importance of giving back to the communities where we live and work, as well as to the larger world of food, beverages, and flavor development. Community service has always been one of our core values. Below, we explore how we put this commitment into action. Supporting the Next Generation of Food Science Leaders Custom Flavors President Alex Wendling, an alumnus of Chapman University, recently pledged $45,000 to create the Custom Flavors Scholars in Food Science fellowship. Wendling credits Chapman University’s Food Science program with guiding him to his true passion, food science, and teaching…
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Making Wellness Delicious using a Customized Flavor System

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From Vitamin Gummies to Sports Drinks, Here's How We Make Wellness Delicious When it comes to food and beverage products, the taste needs to be on point. We know it sounds obvious, but getting a product’s flavor just right is more complex than it might initially seem…and if you take shortcuts with flavor, you can end up with a product that lacks balance, has off-notes poking through, a flavor that doesn’t last, or worst of all, a product that doesn’t stand out among its competitors.  This is why your product needs a customized flavor system. And no matter which category…
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New Flavor Innovation Center Fosters Creativity and Collaboration

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Custom Flavors has recently unveiled its Innovation Center – a cutting-edge facility designed to foster creativity, collaboration, and a rapid response to the ever-changing needs of the market. The Innovation Building soft-opened in 2021, but now, as pandemic restrictions have eased and the supply chain is restoring, the company is excited to invite the industry to discover its revolutionary capabilities. The Innovation Center expands its reach in research and development, featuring a state-of-the-art applications lab and advanced analytical equipment, making it the ultimate hub for flavor innovation. This expansion has enabled Custom Flavors to accelerate the creation of new flavors…
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A Greener Future: Custom Flavors’ Commitment to Sustainability

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At Custom Flavors, we're dedicated to more than just providing the highest quality flavors. We're passionate about making a positive impact on our community, our environment, and our planet. In this blog, we'll explore the strides we've made in sustainability and share our vision for a greener future. Reducing Our Carbon Footprint: A Step-by-Step Approach The increasing levels of carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses pose a significant threat to our environment's long-term sustainability. We believe that adopting renewable energy and addressing climate change is essential for creating a brighter future. Here's how we're working to reduce our carbon footprint: Harnessing…
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Custom Flavors lab using innovative methods for flavor development

Overcoming Obstacles in the Natural Flavor Industry

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Using Custom Flavors To Turn Challenges Into Success Stories In the natural flavor industry, it can be difficult to fully understand any component, from ingredients to the final product, without first tasting it. After all, that's why we all got into this business in the first place—to make great-tasting foods and beverages. A similar problem exists when we talk to our customers…they know that they have something that people will love, but they need that extra bit of flavor to make it all come together. Are you currently working on a naturally-flavored food or beverage product? Keep reading for a…
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5 Tips for Flavor Modulation in Functional Foods

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It’s no industry secret. Some functional ingredients with effects that customers crave simply don’t taste very good. Whether it be a bitter aftertaste or a sour front note, healthy and nutritious products sometimes have to be modulated, or changed, in order to be palatable to the masses. That being said, it’s not always as easy as mixing together great-tasting ingredients and serving up a delicious product to store shelves. Today’s customers want food and beverages that not only taste great but serve another function as well. From sugar reduction to vitamin fortification, shoppers simply expect more from their favorite brands.…
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"Natural Flavors 101 Guide Cover" "A bowl of fruit with natural flavor extracts" "Illustration of a natural flavor molecule"

Natural Flavors: 101 – Common Questions About Natural Flavors

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Staying Ahead Of The Natural Curve In an attempt to both address a growing market and respond to the health preferences of our customers, natural and organic flavors/extracts will continue to be an important focus for Custom Flavors. What Exactly Is “Flavor” Anyway? What we consider “flavor” is the end result of a complex combination of taste, smell, and trigeminal sensations. These sensations, such as heat (as in chili) or cold (like peppermint) provide our tastebuds with the information our brain needs to process specific tastes. “Taste” is the sensation of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami directly detected by…
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Providing Flavor Flexibility while Navigating ‘Whole Foods’ Regulatory Requirements

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What does the average Whole Foods customer look like? Well, according to Business Insider, they’re 29-35 years old and make around $80K a year. They (and millions of other Whole Foods customers) enjoy organic, natural, and ethically-sourced foods/beverages that taste great and make them feel better about their health. They want to know where their purchases come from and how they were made. They want to be able to easily identify products that are well-regulated and continuously tested for safety and quality. And our average customer shops a lot, buying an estimated 9 items per trip, with each trip costing…
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Current & Continuing Flavor Trends, With A Nostalgic Spin…

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“Nostalgia: a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.” Before we reveal our list of trending Custom Flavors…we want to talk a lot more about nostalgia. We’ve done our market research and we know that there’s a good chance that you probably love great-tasting food and beverages. We’ll go even further and hypothesize that either the 90s or 2000s have some pretty special significance to you. If they don’t, don’t worry. We’ve still got a few deliciously sweet and nostalgic points to make. Whether you spent those specific years…
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Great Taste & Masking Ingredients In Sports Nutrition

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Healthy, refreshing, green, & full of energy—sports nutrition is BIG. And it’s growing every single year. At Custom Flavors, we have known about the importance of this space for a long time. By prioritizing, optimizing, and customizing sports nutrition flavors and ingredients from the start, our team is ready to do the heavy lifting for you and your health-conscious customers. Advanced Technology, Flavored With Natural Ingredients As part of our ongoing efforts to increase sustainability, we’ve accomplished something really exciting. Our advanced flavor modulation solutions for plant-powdered protein blends allow us to create the same delicious, hydrating, and refreshing flavors…
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